I want to be a Grandfather.

“Gavassino's groundbreaking approach to resolving the grandfather paradox hinges on the second law of thermodynamics, which dictates that entropy must increase over time. For a time traveler on a closed timelike curve (CTC), this principle necessitates that the system's entropy returns to its original state upon completing the loop1. This thermodynamic constraint leads to fascinating predictions about the behavior of clocks during time travel:

  • Standard clocks would develop defects in CTCs
  • Clocks must complete whole numbers of "ticks" during the journey
  • Molecular and atomic vibrations would be disrupted2

By applying these thermodynamic principles, Gavassino's solution effectively resolves the paradox by making it impossible for logical contradictions to persist, as all memories and consequences of paradoxical actions would be erased when the time traveler returns to their starting point”

“The most striking consequence of Gavassino's theory is the complete erasure of a time traveler's memories by the end of their journey. This occurs because memory formation itself is a thermodynamic process, and all such processes must reverse beyond the point of maximum entropy1. As the system returns to its original entropy state, any information gained during the time travel loop is effectively wiped clean2. This memory erasure mechanism elegantly resolves the grandfather paradox by preventing the retention of paradoxical actions or their consequences, ensuring the self-consistency of history without requiring additional assumptions”


If we’re in a loop, I’ll enjoy it with you, forget about it, then do it all over again. Let’s enjoy our time before heaven. It’s only fun if it feels real. Let’s keep going. Let’s make a place for family. Then let’s make one.

Let is a request to God and the will he gave us. The inner critic is insatiable and uses the poison of cliche to have us putting away the broom that sweeps it. Day by day we will walk in harmony. Your soul is too beautiful for harsh clothing. Let it be comfy in any weather. One day it will want to run and dance, until then it's okay to lie down. I want to see the day you shine brighter than you thought possible.

Love can't capture how I feel about you. I need new languages and forms. I hope you are warmed watching the process of me building the vocabulary of dirt and water. a garden, a grove, an orchestra, a planet, a blanket with your legs in mine, a fire, a lesson, a speech, a a, a, i don't want to edit out the thought, a thought, many thoughts, many lessons, many groves, many planets, many grapes. many grapes. many grapes.